انجمن منطق ایران برگزار می­کند

Lindestrom's theorem for first-order Modal logic


گروه ریاضی دانشگاه امیرکبیر


In this talk I briefly explain about this theorem in various contexts, e.g. classical first-order logic, propositional modal logic. Then I will give different ways for extending it to first-order modal logic and I will show how to prove that first-order modal logic is the maximal logic which has the compactness and Loweinheim-Skolem properties and is closed under bi-simulation property.

مکان: تهران،خیابان ولیعصر،خیابان نوفل لوشاتو،خیابان آراکلیان،شمارة4

موسسۀ پژوهشى حکمت وفلسفه ایران


زمان: چهارشنبه،30اردیبهشت 1394، ساعت  4:30 بعدازظهر

باهمکاري موسسة پژوهشى حكمت وفلسفه ايران